Touch Typing for Children and Adults


Online version for Windows, MacOS and Chrome.

NEW! Online version for Windows, MacOS and Chrome

Log into the app and your account from any device or location*.

If you prefer or need your child/ren to work offline, please contact us for our non-internet versions (installs locally to your computer or network).

For parent/home use, please select “Home versions”.

For teachers/schools, please click “Schools versions” for prices and contact us to order (Purchase Order & invoice or credit card payment available).

*Suitable internet connection required. Not generally suitable for iPad or Android; it may run on high-end devices, but most devices are not powerful enough.  You can try the Demo to see if it works on your device.

Educational versions including Teacher Admin package.
To order, or discuss your school’s requirements, please call 01557 870967 or email [email protected]

If you have any questions or need any advice please call 01557 870967 or email [email protected]