Latest Touch Typing News

Touch typing will help your Dyslexic child – freedom from the pen!
Just watch 9yr old Theo, he’s Dyslexic and now typing at 30wpm! Theo learned to touch type using Englishtype at the Yorkshire Rose Dyslexia Typing

Don’t be fooled by ‘fake’ Dance Mat Typing – make sure it’s the BBC Bitesize original!
If you teach touch typing for kids, you’ve probably seen or used Dance Mat Typing from the BBC – it’s been around for 20 years

The Importance of Touch Typing
Using a computer keyboard is a regular thing for almost everyone these days – school, homework, professional or personal use. Pressing keys on a keyboard

Need more practice for your child after BBC Typing?
The typing course for children from the BBC is 20 years old this year! And it’s still one of the most popular free touch typing

Choosing touch typing software for kids – why choose Englishtype?
There are a lot of touch typing programs out there – some for free, some cost a lot. If you’re serious about touch typing for

Teach touch typing for kids – say no to being a digital caveman (cavewoman!)
“I wasn’t allowed to learn to type when I was at school, because I was told that as I was bright and heading to university

Touch typing for kids with Dyslexia can be life changing
Mum, Martha, said… I wanted to write this review of Englishtype as it has been so life-changing for my son. This sounds like an exaggeration

Touch typing for Children is increasingly recognised as important in schools
Prince William had the internet giggling this week with his two finger typing video on YouTube. Hopefully, his children will learn proper touch typing! As

Touch typing for kids is far more useful than Latin
There are few skills that can increase your efficiency by about 300%; teaching kids to touch type is one of them. Give your child a

Yorkshire Rose Dyslexia Touch Typing Club
Pat Payne, YRD Chair, first realised the benefit of typing for a dyslexic when her son was able to use a laptop while sitting his

Touch Typing with the Power of the Unconscious
Research identifies new brain activity for unconscious skills and split second decision making. Many daily skills & activities are processed by the unconscious part of

Over 80,000 of the Young People Collecting GCSE Results will be dyslexic
Over 80,000 of the young people collecting GCSE results will be dyslexic. If the trend of recent years continues, their chance of getting a good

The Definition of Literacy is Changing
SEN Magazine’s article on literacy makes rather bleak reading: 25% of all children leave Primary school with below age-expected skill levels. And for SEN pupils,

Transition to secondary school for children with Special Needs
HuffPost UK has suggestions about helping transition to secondary school for children with Special Needs. While it’s nice to see they think touch typing will

NHS has identified touch typing for doctors
A project to save time in the NHS has identifed touch typing for doctors as one of a top ten priorities in increasing efficiency. Don’t

Helping pupils with Dyspraxia
SEN magazine has an article about helping pupils with Dyspraxia with the transition to secondary school, highlighting the importance of touch typing and ideally learning

Englishtype Success Story
A great success story about learning to type from a girl with Dyspraxia and her Mum; Lucy achieved 20 wpm through her Easter holidays working

Leading Schools Put Touch Typing Back on the Timetable
It’s great to see touch typing getting some recognition as a skill, there’s an article in today’s Daily Mail Online about how leading schools are

Englishtype Returns to Indonesia with Sue Heskett
A great success story about learning to type from a girl with Dyspraxia and her Mum; Lucy achieved 20 wpm through her Easter holidays working

The Future of Work
Google showed me an article today that is about 3D and coding. It seems strange to me that coding is promoted as part of the

Englishtype Home Made Customised Keyboard
A lovely note from a Mum and a great job by the kids colouring stickers for a home made customised keyboard… “I spoke to you

Research Paper on the Benefits of Touch Typing
“What is known… Typing skills are important for the quality of the typewritten text output. In touch‐typing with automaticity of transcription, workting‐memory load is decreased.