Touch Typing for Children and Adults


Online version for Windows, MacOS and Chrome.

Touch Typing in Schools

Choosing good touch typing software

A good typing tutor will teach key / finger relationships quickly and logically, have enough content to develop muscle memory without endless repetition, use relevant & useful vocabulary content – not strings of random letters & nonsense words and design features to boost skill transition into the unconscious plus a teacher package to monitor progress easily.

Vocabulary content is critical when programming muscle memory – the software must use words the children need to use and know how to spell.  If you have time to look at the vocabulary used in most other typing tutors, it’s not been designed with literacy and education in mind. Whether teaching touch typing is a new venture or if you’re looking for new software and better results, Englishtype can help. Touch typing for children has never been more important.

To get the best from teaching typing, we recommend that you set clear objectives – touch typing with muscle memory or better keyboard familiarity.  Englishtype can be used to achieve either objective, but the benefits from typing with unconscious muscle memory are significantly different, and for SEN pupils, it will transform written work.

BBC Bitesize Dance Mat Touch Typing

Englishtype is a specialist touch typing company, teaching touch typing for 25+ years and expert in skill acquisition. Englishtype was created by an Educational Psychologist, educational designer of BBC Schools Dance Mat Typing. If, like lots of schools, you are using BBC Touch Typing Bitesize / Dance Mat and are serious about teaching typing, it’s time to upgrade to Englishtype.

BBC Dance Mat Vs English Type

Teaching Children to Touch Type Across The Globe

The multi-sensory design and strong structure with carefully selected vocabulary content (sources include Alpha to Omega & National Curriculum Spelling Appendix) make Englishtype ideal for mixed ability groups in the classroom, challenging the brightest children whilst providing extra help for Special Needs children. It has been tested in classroom with thousands of children and developed & improved with input from teachers all over the world.

Englishtype supporting charity work in Indonesia

Englishtype Touch Typing Across the Globe

Learning To Type in School

Mainstream children, over their academic life, will produce hundreds of thousands of words in homework, coursework, essays, and dissertations. Touch typing is a tangible, easy to demonstrate, skill that increases employability. Professional careers like doctors, vets, solicitors and teachers must produce all kinds of written work very regularly. Keyboard skills are useful in almost all professions as records and customer information is computerised – builders, car mechanics, sales assistants – almost everyone uses a keyboard. Get your pupils to touch type and give them a skill for life and an advantage over peers.  So many schools teach computer coding these days – but you can’t be a coder without being able to touch type!

Praise From Our Customers

Touch typing for Special Needs pupils – life changing

Learning to touch type has many benefits for Special Needs individuals, and is invaluable, or even life changing. Access to a laptop and being able to touch type properly is transformative.  Written work with a pen is usually a disliked and/or upsettingly difficult process. The quality of work is not comparable with cognitive ability, and self esteem is often also damaged.  Learning to type also benefits reading, spelling, comprehension & vocabulary.

Learn to Touch Type - Special Needs

The single most important benefit comes from transferring the skill in the brain into the unconscious physical skill centre, or muscle memory.  This is a very powerful part of the brain.  Being able to type by touch means better accuracy, higher speed, improved spelling, less visual stress, less physical stress on the hands, and decreases cognitive load in the conscious brain – as the unconscious controls the “process”, the conscious is free to focus on content.

Englishtype’s design and careful structure help a wide variety of Special Needs, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Fine Motor issues, Austistic Spectrum Disorder, Aspergers, Semantic Pragmatic & other language disorders, Slow Processsing issues and Visual Impairment. SENCOs, Specialist Support Teachers, Support Units, TAs, etc, around the country are achieving amazing results for their SEN pupils, transforming written work from a source of despair to one of pride.

Practicalities for teaching typing


Prices shown are an annual subscription, per pupil, per year (12 month period). Licences can be reallocated within the 12 months, so if a pupil leaves and you delete their account, that licence can be assigned to a new pupil. (See our Terms & Conditions).

System Requirements: Windows 7 or later; Apple Mac needs to be Catalina 10.15 or higher. Please use a modern browser like Chrome, Edge or Safari. If you use Firefox, it must be V103 or later. Englishtype can’t run on iPads or Android devices – you can try, it works on some high-end devices.

If you want to:

  • Buy more than 10 licences;
  • Pay by Purchase Order or BACs or Cheque;
  • or are worried about online usage/broadband performance,

Please get in touch with us or give us a call on 01557 870967.

Englishtype for Schools

Online Version

Single User £36.00
2 users £50 (£25 per child)
3 users £60 (£20 per child)
4 users £72 (£18 per child)
5 users £75 (£15 per child)
10 users £125 (£12.50)
Call us for prices for more than 10 users